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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Student Veteran Essay Example for Free

Student Veteran Essay No matter who you are, where you’re from, what your job, and how old are you, every single person in the universe has the right to persuade the education as they wish. As the war of Iraq ended and budget cutting for military spending, thousands of newly discharged soldiers are thinking about what to do next. Most of the soldiers, Marines, Airmen, and Sailors joined the military before their 21st birthday, and it’s often the only job they’ve ever held. So, most of them are deciding to go back to school for their education. In the article of â€Å"The veterans are coming! The veterans are coming! † by Edward F. Palm, he states that It is good to know that after the soldiers come from war some of the veterans are ready for a post-secondary education. Palm gives advice to teachers and staff from college and universities on how to treat veterans on campuses. Edward Palm uses personal stories and gives some advice that helps veterans feel confident when they go back to school; also, Palm makes readers believe his credibility by employing pathos and ethos appeal combined with friendly and proud tone that creates and affective argument. After reading â€Å"The veterans are coming! The veterans are coming! †, I agreed  that student veteran in the college is feeling very alone on the campus. We should have treated them with respect and normal like any other students, and college and university should have educated students how to treat with Veteran student. Student veteran in the college can be very autistic. When the service member is discharged from the military, they feel the separation and disorientation with the society. It is because they just spent the last several years inextricably tied to military type of social system, whether it was a brigade, battalion, company, platoon, squad, team, or just one on one with a  battle buddy. During those years, solitude was rare. Now, suddenly they’re no longer attached to those systems, and the feeling of vulnerability can be terrifying. The loss of friendships, purpose, identity, structure, and income is enough to push most people to their limits. Now they are in the college society, which is completely different social system that bears no resemblance to military and command free society. Moreover, student veterans are also older and more experienced than their freshman peers, which helps them keep things in perspective and not sweat the small stuff. They can, and  do, manage huge amounts of pain, both physical and mental, without complaint. But consequently, they also bristle at trivial matters called â€Å"crises† by others, and scorn the frequent self-absorption of their peers. They often see most civilian students as not emotionally strong enough to be their friends. So, they usually isolate themselves in school. Additionally, we need to treat student veterans with respect and normal like any other students on the campus. We need to put a lot of patients to communicate with student veteran. I have a personal experience with the student veteran when I took my chemistry class two years  ago. He is one of my classmates in chemistry class. He is a return solider from Afghanistan, when President Obama ended the Afghanistan war in 2008. He lost the ability of hearing in the war. My first impression of him thought that he is only one the disable students on campus. I can feel he is so shy, fear and low self-esteem around the class because I saw him, he is setting at the corner with his deaf interpreter. I thought his low self-esteem is only coming from his disabilities, but I never anticipated that he is one of the return solider. Then, in the first day of the  chemistry laboratory, we need to choose the group to do all the experiment together for the whole semester. Most of the students have their own group with their friends, but I did not any friends because I am a college freshman. So, I formed a group with him and another college freshman. We really have not talked for a few weeks, even we try to discuss about the experiment because he is too shy around other students and also we cannot communicate orally. So, I found the way to communicate with him by writing, and he started comfortable around the group, and we become a good friend. After a few weeks, he told me that he does not want to do the experiment on the creating flame color and told me he has anxiety on the fire because he saw his battle buddy burn alive to dead in the war. Since then, he has been diagnosed with Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder. So, we discussed on his situation with the professor and made him out of the experiment. It make remember what Palm said â€Å"when it comes to what they did in the war, don’t ask; wait for them to decide if and when they want to tell. The experience of combat is largely ineffable. It  cannot be adequately expressed or shared with people who have not experienced it, and most who have are conflicted about it. If they do choose to share, do not judge. † (Palm 793). I did not ask how he loses his hearing even when we are start talking. But I believe it will not be a happy story behind it. So, I did not ask how about it and even when he told his story I choose not to judge or comment on his tragedy event. Therefore, the student veteran can be really scared and unconfident in the campus because they are really emotionally sensitive about their tragedy that happened in the warzone. But if we treat them normally, patiently and connecting them can effectively ease the social isolation, they will feel very comfortable around other students in the campus. Finally, I think the college and university should acknowledge the students how to communicate with student veteran. I think there are a few questions not to ask the student veteran and not to thank to a student veteran for not knowing their services. The question that we should never ask to student veteran are â€Å"These wars were atrocities and a waste of human life,† â€Å"I don’t get why you’re having so much trouble—you volunteered, right? † And worst of all, â€Å"Did you kill anyone? † These comments do more than upset veterans; they wound the hearts of men and women who are already overburdened with sorrow. Most students cannot image about how the warzone look like. They will very curious and will ask the questions that hurtful to a student veteran. For this reason, I think the college and university should acknowledge students to prevent a student from saying something hurtful and explain how these comments might be hurtful. Then, we should not never thank to the veteran. In the article, Palm stated that  Ã¢â‚¬Å"To thank a veteran you don’t know for his or her service is to put that veteran on the spot. It assumes an ideological and political kinship that may or may not exist. I know it makes me uncomfortable. Keep in mind as well that some will doubt your sincerity, wondering if what you’re really saying is, I’m glad you went so that I [or my son or daughter] didn’t have to go. (Palm 793). By say thank you to student veteran will make them think that you, your son or daughter can living safety in the country because they are going to war for you and your son or daughter. It  will make them feel that they are going to die for you. In conclusion, students veteran on campus are usually isolated themselves with the college society. But if we have enough patient and normal treat as other college peers, and teach other students the way to communicate with them, they will blend to the college society. Work Cited Edward F. Palm. â€Å"The Veterans Are Coming! The Veterans Are Coming! † Everything’s an Argument with Reading. 6th Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz and Keith Walters. Boston, New York Bedford/ St. Marthin’s 2013. 788-794. Print.

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